At Baton Rouge’s Mystic Krewe of Mutts parade—whose theme this year is opportunely “Paw Wars”—there are costume contests and the Bark in the Park festival. The Krewe des Chiens is hosting a Super Bowl Pawty parade in Lafayette and the Northshore’s Mystic Krewe of Mardi Paws is known as a canine super krewe, complete with themed floats and a royal court. In north Louisiana, Shreveport’s Krewe of Barkus and Meoux sponsors the Mardi Paw Pet Parade and the Krewe of Paws is celebrating its tenth year strolling Monroe’s historic Antique Alley.
Parade registration costs typically benefit local animal welfare groups and most occur in the two weeks prior to Mardi Gras, which this year is February 9. Each is sure to be a doggone good time!
For more Mardi Gras adventure inspiration, visit MardiGras.LouisianaTravel.com.